Sunday, December 2, 2007


Nothing says holiday time like homemade candy. Divinity, fudge, brittles, you name it. For me, my specialty is truffles. They are pretty darn easy, and taste so good. I actually get asked for them....but how can you go wrong with good chocolate, butter and cream?! So make a batch up, put your special twist by adding a flavoring you like (my favorite is Baileys Irish Cream) and tadah - someone knows you love them!

Handmade Truffles
8 oz of bittersweet chocolate baking bars (I use Ghirardelli)
1/3 c heavy cream
6 TBSP butter, cut in small pieces
1 TBSP coffee or other flavorings (Amaretto, Baileys)

simmer cream in saucepan, add butter and stir til melted. Add chocolate, remove from stove and stir until completely melted and smooth. Add coffee or other flavorings. Pour into shallow pan and refrigerate until firm, roll into small balls and coat in cocoa, or chopped nuts or powdered sugar.
(If making raspberry truffles, add 1/3 c strained raspberry jam to cream when simmering.)

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